Judge & Jury

Archive for the ‘parties’ Category

On the rocks

In drink, entertaining, parties on May 3, 2009 at 12:14 am

Spouse #1 and Spouse #2 like to get their drink on. They differ however on how to make drinks for other people.

Spouse #1 likes to make “party” drinks outrageously strong.

Spouse #2 thinks they’re no longer in the 7th grade and that a drink should be enjoyable, not flammable.

Who’s the asshole?

And the asshole is…

In drink, entertaining, parties on May 3, 2009 at 12:14 am

Far and away Spouse #2 (wife)! Further proof of the Kingsley Amis Axiom:

Not only is drink here to stay; the moral seems to be that when it goes, we go too.